IMECaN – Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network
Background and aim
In 2016, the IMBeR Scientific Steering Committee endorsed the establishment of a network for early career researchers working on topics related to the IMBeR Grand Challenges, and soon after the Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network (IMECaN) was created by some of the IMBeR ClimEco summer school alumni.
Provide a networking platform for early career marine researchers to develop collaborations;
Provide training and development in areas not traditionally provided through formal education and training programmes; and
Provide leadership opportunities for ECR marine researchers, particularly from developing nations.
Who can be an IMECaNer?
IMECaN is open to marine science students (Masters and PhDs), and early career researchers (less than eight years post-PhD, and less than six years since their first research appointment). The network currently has 1322 members from 103 countries. Click here to join us!
IMECaN is overseen by the Organising Committee, and the Chair of the Committee serves as an ex-officio member of the IMBeR Scientific Steering Committee. Juliano Palacios Abrantes and Shenghui Li are the current Co-chairs (starting 1 August 2024).
IMECaN Workshop on Fostering DEI into Interdisciplinary Marine Research
Early Career Researchers are well placed to champion new approaches to research priorities. This workshop will touch on questions regarding the inclusion of DEI in interdisciplinary marine research.
We had an excellent response and over 50 submissions were received for the Frontiers in Marine Science Research Topic on Solving Complex Ocean Challenges, each with an early career researcher as the first author. See the published articles here.
In August 2020, we ran a virtual workshop on marine spatial planning and how to balance across multiple objectives. The workshop was attended by almost 700 early career researchers from across 82 countries. Recorded talks can be found here.
In June 2019, we officially launched IMECaN and convened a one-day workshop at the IMBeR Future Oceans 2 conference in Brest, France. The workshop was attended by 100 early career researchers and provided networking and training opportunities.
In August 2018, the IMBeR ClimEco6 summer school was held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and brought together 50 transdisciplinary ECRs to consider Transdisciplinary Approaches towards Sustainable Oceans.
In June 2018, a workshop was convened in Losinj, Croatia to teach EU-based early career researchers how to work efficiently at the Science-Policy-Society interface. Thirty students and early career researchers participated in the workshop.