Innovation Challenge 5: Interventions to change the course of climate impacts
IC5: Interventions and IMBeR
IMBeR Grand Challenges (GCs):
- GCI: Understanding and quantifying the state and variability of marine ecosystems
- GCII: Improving scenarios, predictions and projections of future ocean-human systems at multiple scales
- GCIII: Improving and achieving sustainable ocean governance
The IC5 links to:
- GCI – when will intervention be needed?
- GCII – outcomes and testing of interventions
- GCIII – social acceptability and governance of interventions

Focal question:
How can human intervention reduce the impacts of climate change on ocean life and human well-being?
Objectives of the Interventions Innovation Challenge
- Develop best practice guidelines for testing interventions in simulation models.
- This objective may be achieved by determining what models are appropriate for testing interventions such that a range of scenarios can be explored and in which unanticipated consequences can be detected.
- Development of methods to scale interventions from pilot experiments to “full scale” operational scale
- Interventions in pilot experiments may be low risk, but the risks in going to large scale implementation may be different.
- Development of decision rules for initiating interventions (e.g. defining thresholds)
- These decision rules may need to recognise political, societal, or environmental thresholds for action. Case studies may be helpful in illustration where decision thresholds were observed.
- Understanding and enhancing intervention governance frameworks (global, regional, national and local) for intervention.
- Interventions may be risky – governance may reduce those risks.