IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021 “Changing West Pacific Ocean: Science and Sustainability”
New Announcements
Special Issue
IMBeR West Pacific Symposium: Changing West Pacific Ocean: Science and Sustainability 1
IMBeR West Pacific Symposium: Changing West Pacific Ocean: Science and Sustainability 2
Manuscript submission deadline extended to 26 August 2022 – Symposium Special Issue Submission Guidelines
Session Summary – Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 8
Plenary & Keynote Recordings (Youku Channel)
Questionnaires for Training Sessions for Early Career Researchers, Potential Mentors and Partners
Virtual background images (download portal 1 or portal 2)
Program – Session 1 | Session 2 | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 8
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*open to registrants only

IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021 is an endorsed United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development activity.
The China-Japan-Korea (CJK) IMBeR Symposium on marine ecosystem has been held eight times over the period from 2002 to 2018 to review the achievements and to set the future directions of international ecosystem research in the western North Pacific as a part of the past GLOBEC and the IMBeR regional activities. Responding to the growing needs, the CJK IMBeR community changed its name to the West Pacific Symposium to better assume for the entire West Pacific Ocean, as outlined in the IMBeR Science Plan and Implementation Strategy 2016-2025. This kick-off symposium centers around the marine biosphere and its biogeochemistry in the West Pacific Ocean from the Subarctic in the North to the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean and its connectivity with the Arctic, Southern Ocean, and the Indian Ocean to deepen a holistic hemispheric view. All marine habitats including coastal areas (estuaries, saltmarshes, coral reefs, etc.), continental shelf to the deep ocean and their seafloors are of interests. Participants in the IMBeR Regional Programmes, Working Groups, Endorsed Projects, and others are welcome to the symposium.

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Session 1 | Session 2 (Part 1 | Part 2) | Session 3 | Session 4 | Session 5 | Session 6 | Session 7 | Session 8
The symposium is organized by the following thematic sessions:
Session 1: Coastal Blue Carbon: Measurements, Modeling, and Assessment
Session 2: Strengthening Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change and Human Impacts
Session 3: Dried Small Fish: Ecology, Value Chains and Nutrition
Session 4: Ecosystem-Social Interactions in the Coastal Sea
Session 6: Marine Extreme Events: Impacts, Forecasting, and Risk Management
Expected Output
Accepted authors will be invited to submit a full paper for a special issue in Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography following the instructions that will be communicated later on.

Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography
Editors-in-Chief: Javier Arístegui, Kenneth Drinkwater, Walker Smith and Jing Zhang
Deep-Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography publishes topical issues from the many international and interdisciplinary projects which are undertaken in oceanography. Besides these special issues from projects, the journal publishes collections of papers presented at conferences. The special issues regularly have electronic annexes of non-text material (numerical data, images, images, video, etc.) which are published with the special issues in ScienceDirect. Deep-Sea Research Part II was split off as a separate journal devoted to topical issues in 1993.
Other options for special issues from the symposium will be considered, as the process is still ongoing.
Important Dates
First announcement (Registration and abstracts submission open): 20 July
Second announcement: 30 August
Deadline for abstracts: Extended to 10 October
Notification of abstract acceptance: 28 October
Session agenda announcement: 4 November
Deadline for poster submission: 15 November
Registration close: Extended to 18 November
Please note, there is no charge for this online event.
- Deadline for abstracts: Extended to 10 October
- An example abstract is provided here
Additional Information
Meeting Secretariat
IMBeR International Project Office – China
Contact us: imber@ecnu.edu.cn
Sponsors and Supporters

*If your institution or national community would kindly support this event, e.g. host a meetup for local participants, advertise this event in your community’s official media, or other innovative formats, please contact the meeting secretariat.