Summary of the project
The Department of Biological Oceanography of the Italian National Institute of Oceanography and of Experimental Geophysics is responsible for the site Gulf of Trieste, part of macrosite North Adriatic inserted in the international network LTER (Long Term Ecological Research) that continues the historical series of hydrological, biological and biochemical data initiated by the University of Trieste in 1970. The research activities range from marine biogeochemistry to physiology, from ecology to traditional marine biology and are aimed to understanding the dynamics governing marine ecosystems in its complexity, and to evaluating the role of oceans in the global energy balance. The studies on local scale regard coastal and transition waters and address problems related to their sustainable management.
Area of study
Gulf of Trieste, North Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea)
Time Table for activities
1970 – present (at present with monthly sampling)
Data Management
–Data center: OGS/NODC – National Oceanographic Data Center
–Data contact: Marina Lipizer E-mail
–Related URL: