Haritz Arrizabalaga
Past member
Haris Arrizaba
AZTI Tecnalia, Spain.
Haritz Arrizabalaga is Principal Investigator of the Tuna Resources section of the Marine Research Unit in AZTI Tecnalia. He has been an active member of the ICCAT SCRS for the last 17 years. He chaired the SCRS Subcommittee on Ecosystems between 2006 and 2010, and coordinates the albacore working group since 2011. He also participated in the Scientific Committee of the IOTC 2000-2002. His main research areas include tuna population structure, stock assessment, environmental influences on population dynamics, habitat use and migrations.

Dan Costa
Past member
Web page:Link
University of California, Santa Cruz, USA.
He is a Distinguished Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of California at Santa Cruz. His research focuses on the ecology and physiology of marine mammals and seabirds. Working with a broad range of animals including turtles, penguins, albatross, seals, sea lions, sirenians, whales and dolphins he aims to record their movement and distribution patterns to understand their habitat needs. This work is helping to identify biodiversity hotspots and the factors that create them. His research also studies the response of marine mammals to underwater sounds and developing ways to assess whether the potential disturbance may result in a population consequence. He co-founded the Tagging of Pacific Predators program, a multidisciplinary effort to study the movement patterns of 23 species of marine vertebrate predators in the North Pacific Ocean. He is an internationally recognized authority on tracking of marine mammals and birds.

Karen Evans
Past co-chair
E-mail: karen.evans@csiro.au
Web page: Link
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Australia.
A senior research scientist at CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere in Hobart, Tasmania. Her research includes the movement and behaviour of pelagic marine predators, assessing the impacts of anthropogenic activities on marine predators and the state of the marine environment within the context of management applications. She contributes to a number of regional management organisations, including the Commission for the Conservation of Bluefin Tuna, the Western and Central Pacific Tuna Commission and the International Whaling Commission. She is a member of the joint JCOMM/CAgM Task Team on Weather, Climate and Fisheries.

Alistair Hobday
Past member
CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere, Australia
A Senior Principal Research Scientist at CSIRO in Hobart, Tasmania. Much of his current research focuses on investigating the impacts of climate change on marine biodiversity and fishery resources, and developing, prioritising and testing adaptation options to underpin sustainable use and conservation into the future. He is former Co-chair of CLIOTOP and contributed to the IPCC 3rd, 4th and 5th assessment Australasia chapters, covering fisheries, oceanic and coastal systems.

Maria Gasalla
Past member
University of São Paulo , Brazil

Masashi Kiyota
Past member
E-mail: kiyo@affrc.go.jp
Fisheries Research and Education Agency, Japan.
He undertakes scientific research on large marine mammals, sea birds and sea turtles to understand and mitigate their interactions with commercial fisheries. His recent studies focus on the assessment of the status of oceanic ecosystems and evaluation of fisheries impacts based on top predator information, fishery-related data and ecosystem modeling. The goal is to develop an autonomous and adaptive ecosystem-based management framework for fisheries for sustainable utilization of biological resources and the conservation of regional marine ecosystems.

Patrick Lehodey
Past member
Collecte Localisation Satellites, France

Joel Llopiz
Past Chair
E-mail: jllopiz@whoi.edu
Web page: Link
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
Joel is part of the zooplankton and CTD team. He would love to find some late-stage fish larvae unfortunate enough to have to fend for themselves under such conditions. But he’ll likely have to settle for looking for appendicularians—aka, to him at least, the cooler-than-copepods zooplankton. An avid cyclist, he might also set the well-known record for riding a carbon fiber racing bike at the highest-ever latitude (though attached to a fluid trainer).

Oliver Maury
Past member
Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France

Christine Meynard
Past member
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, at the College of William and Mary, USA
My research can be framed within the broad disciplines of macroecology and community ecology. I am generally interested in understanding and modeling species distributions and patterns of biodiversity including species richness but also phylogenetic (i.e. diversity in the evolutionary history contained in a community) and functional (i.e. diversity in life history traits and ecological characteristics of species within a community) diversity. I think that using a multi-facetted view of biodiversity can help us link theory and practice in a more effective way than simply looking at species richness. This is a necessary step in predicting potential effects of climate change on the future of biodiversity, which is one of my motivations. Phylogenetic and functional diversity, particularly how clustered or overdispersed these are with respect to random expectations, can inform us regarding the relative roles of competition, facilitation, and environmental filtering in structuring local to regional communities and the mechanisms behind diversity maintenance. Scales of study go from metacommunities (i.e. several communities potentially connected through dispersal) to continents, to global. I am not particularly attached to one taxon or geographic region, but rather to the idea of identifying common mechanisms, patterns or analysis strategies that can be broadly applied to different ecological systems. I have therefore studied a variety of organisms (birds, plants, fish, mammals) in different regions (Chile, California, France, South Africa, and more recently South East Asia, Ecuador, and sub-Saharan Africa). I am also a big fan of virtual ecology, and have used in my research the simulation of virtual species and virtual communities to test different methods, especially when it comes to related observations at large scales with potential mechanisms driving those patterns.

Kevin Weng
Past chair
E-mail: kevinweng@vims.edu
Web page: Link
Virginia Institute of Marine Science, USA.
An assistant professor at the Virginia Institute of Marine Science, College of William and Mary, in Virginia, USA. He studies the spatial ecology of sharks, deepwater fishes, and coral reef fishes. His lab uses a variety of telemetry techniques to follow animals in the wild, to understand the spatial scales at which they live, their habitats, and the nature of their environment.
More about CLIOTOP
- Who is involved
- Past members
- History
- Science goals
- Organisational structure
- Past symposia
- Task Teams
- Publications
Karen Evans talking about the UN Decade
For any questions about CLIOTOP or for further information please contact Heidi Plethybridge and Anne Lorrain