Plenary and Keynote Presentations (or view on Youku Channel)
Opening and Welcome
Carol Robinson IMBeR SSC
Keynote presentation for Session 1: Coastal Blue Carbon: Measurements, Modeling, and Assessment
Xiaowei Li Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, CAS, China
Keynote presentation for Session 2: Strengthening Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change and Human Impacts
Peter J. Mumby University of Queensland, Australia
Keynote presentation for Session 2: Strengthening Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change and Human Impacts
Makoto Tsuchiya University of the Ryukyus, Japan
Keynote presentation for Session 3: Dried Small Fish: Ecology, Value Chains and Nutrition
Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted WorldFish Center, Malaysia
Keynote presentation for Session 4: Ecosystem-Social Interactions in the Coastal Sea
Ratana Chuenpagdee Memorial University, Canada
Keynote presentation for Session 4: Ecosystem-Social Interactions in the Coastal Sea
Juying Wang National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, China
Keynote presentation for Session 5: Towards the Sustainable Indo-Pacific Region (IPR): Marine Biogeochemistry and Biodiversity
Fan Wang Institute of Oceanology, CAS, China
Publishing in Elsevier Oceanography journals
Haiyan Sun ELSEVIER (Shanghai Office), China
Keynote presentation for Session 6: Marine Extreme Events: Impacts, Forecasting, and Risk Management
Neil Holbrook University of Tasmania, Australia
Keynote presentation for Session 7: Connectivity of the West Pacific and Southern Ocean: the Importance of Oceanic Top Predators
Michelle LaRue University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Keynote presentation for Session 8: Ecosystem, Biogeochemistry, and Interventions in the Western Pacific and its Marginal Seas: Beyond the Disciplinary Borders