IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021 “Changing West Pacific Ocean: Science and Sustainability”

IMBeR West Pacific Symposium 2021 “Changing West Pacific Ocean: Science and Sustainability” was an endorsed United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development activity. The meeting was held virtually in November 2021.

Plenary and Keynote Presentations (or view on Youku Channel)

Opening and Welcome

Carol Robinson

Keynote presentation for Session 1: Coastal Blue Carbon: Measurements, Modeling, and Assessment

Xiaowei Li
Yantai Institute of Coastal Zone Research, CAS, China

Keynote presentation for Session 2: Strengthening Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change and Human Impacts

Peter J. Mumby
University of Queensland, Australia

Keynote presentation for Session 2: Strengthening Coral Reef Resilience to Climate Change and Human Impacts

Makoto Tsuchiya
University of the Ryukyus, Japan

Keynote presentation for Session 3: Dried Small Fish: Ecology, Value Chains and Nutrition

Shakuntala Haraksingh Thilsted
WorldFish Center, Malaysia

Keynote presentation for Session 4: Ecosystem-Social Interactions in the Coastal Sea

Ratana Chuenpagdee
Memorial University, Canada

Keynote presentation for Session 4: Ecosystem-Social Interactions in the Coastal Sea

Juying Wang
National Marine Environmental Monitoring Center, China

Keynote presentation for Session 5: Towards the Sustainable Indo-Pacific Region (IPR): Marine Biogeochemistry and Biodiversity

Fan Wang
Institute of Oceanology, CAS, China

Publishing in Elsevier Oceanography journals

Haiyan Sun
ELSEVIER (Shanghai Office), China

Keynote presentation for Session 6: Marine Extreme Events: Impacts, Forecasting, and Risk Management

Neil Holbrook
University of Tasmania, Australia

Keynote presentation for Session 7: Connectivity of the West Pacific and Southern Ocean: the Importance of Oceanic Top Predators

Michelle LaRue
University of Canterbury, New Zealand

Keynote presentation for Session 8: Ecosystem, Biogeochemistry, and Interventions in the Western Pacific and its Marginal Seas: Beyond the Disciplinary Borders

Jie Yin
East China Normal University, China


Gi Hoon Hong
IMBeR Project Office – China