25 June 2024

Regrettably, the IMBIZO7 Conference has been canceled due to unforeseen circumstances. The information previously provided on this page is no longer applicable.

Workshop 1: Science based adaptive management and policy responses to the causes and consequences of eutrophication

Keynote Speaker: Jacob Carstensen

Professor Jacob Carstensen, Department of Ecoscience, Aarhus University, Denmark jac@ecos.au.dk
Jacob Carstensen is a professor at Aarhus University in Denmark. His research interests include describing and understanding long-term changes in marine ecosystems in response to nutrient enrichment, climate change and physical disturbances resulting from human activities. Jacob is very engaged in environmental policies in the Baltic Sea area, on national and regional levels, through developing ecological indicators and integrated assessment systems. He also provides recommendations to agencies and regional sea conventions on nutrient management. Much of his research has centred on eutrophication and its adverse effects, such as algal blooms, loss of benthic vegetation and hypoxia. Jacob has published more >170 papers in peer-reviewed journals, which have been cited ~18000 times, yielding an H-index of 62. According to Web-of-Science, he ranked among the top 1% cited scientists within the discipline of cross-disciplinary science in 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022.

About this workshop

Managing eutrophication is an increasing challenge in a world with growing populations and increasing use of fertilizers. Finding solutions that successfully reduce the negative aspects of eutrophication while sustaining economic and societal development is a local, regional and global issue. This workshop will highlight new and important developments in the science, explore how science can best add value to management and consider what policy responses have been most successful.  Specific topics to be addressed include:

  • The role of science in the management of eutrophication issues.
  • Scientific tools to engage stakeholders with the management of eutrophication issues and build consensus between science, management, policy and other stakeholders.
  • Approaches and policies that have been successful in reducing the negative aspects of eutrophication.
  • New insights into nutrient pathways from the mountain to the bottom of the sea.
  • Development and scientific testing of solutions to eutrophication.
  • The integration of marine spatial planning and nutrient management. Which areas are the most useful for retaining/removing nutrients and which areas should be protected from hypoxia, physical disturbances such trawling, and more?
  • Eutrophication is just one of many pressures – how should we manage marine ecosystems in the presence of cumulative effects?
  • Is geoengineering the solution to eutrophication? What is the effect of geoengineering – revolutionary or just a drop in the ocean?
  • Can nature-based solution realistically mitigate eutrophication?

Outcomes and expected impact

The workshop plans to achieve a global perspective on the best uses of science in the practical management of eutrophication.  We are seeking scientific solutions to eutrophication ranging from those that are in practice and widespread to those that are novel and highly promising. We wish to explore the factors that may improve the uptake and use of science in the management of eutrophication. We wish to learn about the fundamental characteristics of successful uses of science in eutrophication management.  For example, are there commonalities in the successful interactions with stakeholders?  At least one perspective paper from the workshop is expected with scope to consider additional outputs.