April 2023 SSC Meeting Paris
3-5 April, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
The conference Room will be : Tour Zamansky , 24th Floor , room 2402 (nice view of Paris !) https://sciences.sorbonne-universite.fr/faculte/location-despaces/la-tour-zamansky
Sorbonne Université
4 Place Jussieu, 75005 Paris
metro Jussieu
Tasks Diana emailed 10 March
1) please check every thing, time, names and look for the scientist we need for West symposium futur event (Gi please?) ; I add the names of rapporteur check if all of them will be there by visio or personally. DONE
2) please check that all scientist from IMBeR and from France , that they were already all invited [all invited], accept and that they know the day the schedule time, and the session topic to include their presentation.
3) I modify the afternoon of the 4 April and the early morning of t5 April, minisymposium. I add to my presentation of IMBeR also an IMBeR: From Legacy to the Futur (ALice Newton already accetp) during the MInisymposium DONE
4) I am writing a text to include in the agenda as Goal of the Minisymposium. I am sending you this WD. Please add once you receive.
5) Please give an Answer to Eugene, his name is in GC 3 [IC3 DONE], and in Strategy Scientific Group-Update the Action Plan (I am sending also a text for this, next email)
6) Give also an answer to Marie Alexandrine Sicre (also a short answer proposal in the next email).
7) We didn’t receive the Answer from Sorbonne University Président Stephan Regnier, please send another email and add the day and the time and the goal is only the welcome. Add also a brief description of what is IMBeR from our Web site and the goal of this meeting (see my description too). DONE still no reply
8) check all of the title I wrote in the agenda with each French invite researcher, say them the time , how long will be their talk and where.
9) John, I modify a little be also the ten fact session, please check and send me an email about what do you think about this? DONE
10) For the event Pacific Symposium and Futur Ocean 3 event, I need to know who has to present this? GI?, Me another scientist for their respective Scientific commette ? DONE
10) My goal is to put in the Open IMBeR Website today the agenda [DRAFT available – https://imber.info/imber-annual-scientific-steering-committee-meeting-2023/]
Tasks Diana emailed 6 March
1) A complete list by day, coffee break meal – DONE… ad the survey including dietary requirement also of the french invited people
2) send me the information about the budget, I need to complete the restaurant organization (I have to finalize this week) , I know that IMbeR can not pay alcohol (deadline 7 March) – DONE
3) explanation of different sessions for moderators I think is 7 March IPO Chair meeting? (instead Feb…), 10 March first draft
4) final version Annotated Agenda 17 March – Gi has sent to Diana
5) Slide template for each session, first draft 17 march
6) Report template 22 March – Gi has sent to Diana
7) We need also to check with the invited speaker if the title written in the agenda is the correct one – this was done in invitation letters/emails, but will follow up
Tasks Diana emailed 28Feb
To continue with the organization together of the SSC meeting in Paris :
I. Related to the Agenda:
**need to make sure mini-symposium timings are correct – Francoise Gaill’s talk should be 10 mins long, not 5 mins**
1) John, could you send us today
– the link to the registration of the EXEC meeting we had yesterday, DONE
– together with your report [DONE -Draft Exec meeting notes sent] and the new agenda [DONE] (including all of the suggestion were proposed during the EXEC)
2) Please Chinese IPO, could you watch the recording and check the new agenda 4.0 John is sending us. We need to include all of the comments were proposed by Exec. [DONE]3) After this I one last time and the agenda will then be available to be sent.
II. Related to the Invitation Letter
DONE- all letters sent to for French invitees
– Please both IPO could send today or tomorrow (last deadline) the invitation letter that you are preparing for both the presidents and directors of French research institutions and the researchers and ECR who will be giving talks. To do this, please taking intoaccount the information I sent you in the file for each person.
IPO-Canada has sent letters to
- Stéphane Regnier
- Philippe Agard – replied: coming
- Philippe Charvis – cannot come
- Christophe Prazuck
- Françoise Gaill – replied: cannot come until 11am **need to modify agenda**
- Marie Alexandrine Sicre – replied, coming, but needs info about talk
- Marine Herrmann – cannot come
- Stéphanie Duvail – suggested by Marine Herrmann who cannot come
- Olivier Pringault – suggested as replacement for Philippe Charvis – cannot come – suggested we contact Marina Lévy <marina.levy@locean.ipsl.fr> Deputy director of the OCEANS department
IPO-China has sent letters to
- Manon Berger – replied: presentation and lunch confirmed /
no dietary requirementsvegetarian - Lester Morgan Kwiatkowski – replied: suggested new title as “Modelling insights into the physical and biogeochemical constraints of macroalgal carbon dioxide removal“, recommend Manon to present (back to 15 mins?) / no dietary requirements
- Francesco D’Ovidio – replied: presence, title and lunch confirmed, no answer about dietary requirements yet
- Berengère Broche – replied: participation and presentation confirmed, no answer about dietary requirements yet
- Joachim Claudet – replied: new title as “The seven domains of ocean sustainability” / allergic to seafood. I do like fish, but can’t eat molluscs or crustaceans.
- Helene Artaud – replied: cannot come but will send video on 3 April.
- Bruno David– replied: cannot come to mini-symposium but has confirmed to come to lunch / he can’t eat sardines and some seafood products, including oysters and marine gastropods.
– Please for the china IPO add to the list the director of the MNHN (Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle), I want also to invite.
President MNHN Bruno David (day 5) bruno.david@mnhn.fr presidence@mnhn.fr [DONE]
I think that we have also to invite SOLAS Chair – DONE – both Minhan Dai and Cécile Guieu have been invited
III. I need the exact list per day of the scientist and guest
who will be in the room, it is a room reserved for the high authorities of the University and access is controlled, for security issues I must provide this list in detail. I reserved a room for 32 people.
A liste with name and their universities or laboratories.
I need to know also how many people are taking lunch and dinner every day, I already did the reservation of the restaurant, but I need to precise because the price change.
Provisional list of catering needs
(assumptions – all those who have not yet confirmed will be taking all meals, except Co-chairs of SOLAS who were not included)
Mon 3 April
Coffee AM 20 people
Lunch 20 people
Coffee PM 19 people
Cocktail 20 people
Tues 4 April
Coffee AM 19 people
Lunch 19 people
Coffee PM 19 people
Dinner 18 people
Wed 5 April
Coffee AM 29 people
Lunch 30 people
Coffee PM 17 people
“Aperitif ” 16 people
-Attendees have been surveyed to compile info, including dietary requirements (not including French invitees)
Please check that we don’t forget to invite someone we have in the agenda and also someone important to IMBeR
IV.Available Budget :
37,000 USD is budgeted for the 2023 SSC meeting . (All ‘unspent’ funds originally budgeted for the 2022 SSC meeting have already been allocated elsewhere).
Provisionally, 10,000 USD will be available
I need to know if we have some budget , I can use for a dinner the 4 april? [ DONE]. ] I already expend all of the support l’institut de l’Océan gave me for the SSC meeting, the food and restaurant are really very expensive since several month in Paris. [n.b. no funds from SCOR can be used for alcohol]
V. Letter by mail for Chinese Scientist : I am sending today the letter for the Chinese scientist by fast and secure mail. Fang you dont need to be in contact with the secretary, She is doing now ! [noted]
We need to produce in the next 2 weeks:
VI. Annotated Agenda (Gi already started, by John has to contribute too) [Gi will send John the draft annotated agenda by Monday, 6 March]
VII. Recommendation and explanations of different sessions for moderators
(please John could take in charge to start to do this expected by 7 March IPO-Canada-Chair meeting)
which includes actions, decisions and out put but which must be modified taking into account the final agenda which came out of the exchanges with the EXEC V.4.0. I will check, complete and resume later. I need to finish this week.
VIII. Slide Templates for each session,
John, could also taken in charge to start with this from the detailed agenda and and survey we did with RG/WG and SOLAS, COB and IOC-R
IX. Report Template for each out put and or session ,
Please Gi , could you taken in charge this also from the detailed agenda and the annotated agenda, I could echange with you to complete, check and finalize it [Gi will send Diana the draft Report Template by Tuesday, 7 March]
X. Please could you propose me a schedule time for all of this action and task
[JC comment – I have asked everyone to give an idea of when their tasks will be finished]
XI. Wee need also to have a person in charge of the Time control during the meeting.
Note : I need to have like a file where I can follow that every thing I am asking was done, please Could you do something for this?
And please find a system to informe me regularly what was done for the SSC meeting. [DONE – this editable IPO-portal page]
I hope I have been sufficiently clear, and count on you so that this ssc meeting brings great benefit to what iMbeR needs to accomplish what it had proposed at the beginning, but also to open up voices of research and ways to do research.
Tasks Diana emailed 28Feb
To continue with the organization together of the SSC meeting in Paris :
I. Related to the Agenda:
1) John, could you send us today
– the link to the registration of the EXEC meeting we had yesterday, DONE
– together with your report [expected by 2March] and the new agenda [DONE] (including all of the suggestion were proposed during the EXEC)
2) Please Chinese IPO, could you watch the recording and check the new agenda 4.0 John is sending us. We need to include all of the comments were proposed by Exec. [DONE]
3) After this I one last time and the agenda will then be available to be sent.II. Related to the Invitation Letter
– Please both IPO could send today or tomorrow (last deadline) the invitation letter that you are preparing for both the presidents and directors of French research institutions and the researchers and ECR who will be giving talks. To do this, please taking intoaccount the information I sent you in the file for each person.
[IPO-Canada has sent letters toStéphane Regnier
Philippe Agard
Philippe Charvis
Christophe Prazuck
Françoise Gaill
Marie Alexandrine Sicre
Marine Herrmann ]
[IPO-China has sent letters to
Mr. Bruno David, Président du Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle
Dr. Hélène Artaud, Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle
will send to the rest of 5 confirmed speakers on 4 March]
– Please for the china IPO add to the list the director of the MNHN (Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle), I want also to invite.
President MNHN Bruno David (day 5) bruno.david@mnhn.fr presidence@mnhn.fr [DONE]
I think that we have also to invite SOLAS Chair
III. I need the exact list per day of the scientist and guest
who will be in the room, it is a room reserved for the high authorities of the University and access is controlled, for security issues I must provide this list in detail. I reserved a room for 32 people.
A liste with name and their universities or laboratories.
I need to know also how many people are taking lunch and dinner every day, I already did the reservation of the restaurant, but I need to precise because the price change.
a complete list by day, coffee break, meal, etc is in prep – expected 2 Feb
-Attendees have been surveyed to compile info, including dietary requirements (not including French invitees)
Please check that we don’t forget to invite someone we have in the agenda and also someone important to IMBeR
IV.Available Budget :
I need to know if we have some budget , I can use for a dinner the 4 april? [ John + Lisa will check – expected timeline depends on when participants’ travel expenses are known. ] I already expend all of the support l’institut de l’Océan gave me for the SSC meeting, the food and restaurant are really very expensive since several month in Paris. [n.b. no funds from SCOR can be used for alcohol]
V. Letter by mail for Chinese Scientist : I am sending today the letter for the Chinese scientist by fast and secure mail. Fang you dont need to be in contact with the secretary, She is doing now ! [noted]
We need to produce in the next 2 weeks:
VI. Annotated Agenda (Gi already started, by John has to contribute too) [John comment – Gi please send to John what you have done]
VII. Recommendation and explanations of different sessions for moderators
(please John could take in charge to start to do this expected by 7 Feb IPO-Canada-Chair meeting)
which includes actions, decisions and out put but which must be modified taking into account the final agenda which came out of the exchanges with the EXEC V.4.0. I will check, complete and resume later. I need to finish this week.
VIII. Slide Templates for each session,
John, could also taken in charge to start with this from the detailed agenda and and survey we did with RG/WG and SOLAS, COB and IOC-R
IX. Report Template for each out put and or session ,
Please Gi , could you taken in charge this also from the detailed agenda and the annotated agenda, I could echange with you to complete, check and finalize it
X. Please could you propose me a schedule time for all of this action and task
[JC comment – I have asked everyone to give an idea of when their tasks will be finished]
XI. Wee need also to have a person in charge of the Time control during the meeting.
Note : I need to have like a file where I can follow that every thing I am asking was done, please Could you do something for this?
And please find a system to informe me regularly what was done for the SSC meeting. [DONE – this editable IPO-portal page]
I hope I have been sufficiently clear, and count on you so that this ssc meeting brings great benefit to what iMbeR needs to accomplish what it had proposed at the beginning, but also to open up voices of research and ways to do research.
Thank you all in advance for your contribution.
All my best
Local scientist to invite (from DRP email 27Feb)
suggested changes by JC in red, where titles read better in English or reflecting errors
Dean of the Science Faculty Sorbonne Université Stéphane stephane.regnier@upmc.fr and stephane.regnier@sorbonne-université ; I din’t meet him to present IMBeR, but for other question. Please invite him explaining a little what is IMBeR (from our Website) , and talking about the minisymposium goal and ask him to give us the well come the first and invite him for the cocktail and for the lunch the last day | |
13 Mini Symposium: Ocean and Human Sciences for local and global solutions | 9:05-12:30? |
Introduction and aims All of them have to be invite to the LUNCH in the letter | 9:05-9:10 |
Welcome address by Philippe Agard. Director of Research and International Department, Sorbonne University , philippe.agard@sorbonne-universite.fr (I already meet him, and Introduce IMBeR), we need to asked them the gol of Lis presentation, is the title I propose | 9:10-9:20 |
The practice of Science between the Global North and the Global South | 9:20-9:30 |
The Bougainville Program (Participatory Science) We need to ask him to confirm the title of his talk | 9:30-9:40 |
Intergovernmental Panel on Ocean Sustainability, Françoise Gaill (CNRS Direction), I alreade inviter her and she already accepted,(I have her email with the acceptnce), we have to send the offital invitation, give the schedule of her presentation and the agenda, francoise.gaill@cnrs-dir.fr | 9:40-9:45 10 mins not 5 |
IOC and Ocean Decade, Marie Alexandrine Sicre (CNRS-LOCEAN), I already talle with her, but she doesn’t confirme yet. She knows very well IMBeR, give her the gol of her presentation I propose, means IMbeR SSC need. marie-alexandrine.sicre@locean.ipsl.fr | 9:45-9:55 |
Exchanges, questions, suggestions, discussions | 9:55-10:20 |
Coffee Break | 10:20-10:35 |
Natural and Social Science for a Sustainable Ocean. Examples of hot topics from French Ocean Science, I already contact all of them, and they know and accept to do a show presentation, please confirme the oficial invitation, provide them the shcedule time, invite them for the lunch, and ask them to confirme the titule of their talk, and give them how long will be their presentation and recall them that it is to discuss about the hoy spot topics to built the post IMBeR 2025 | 10:35-12:30 |
Artificial Algae and CO2 sequestration | 10:35- 10:55 |
Biodiversity, Ocean Circulation and Marine Protected Areas, Francesco D’Ovidio (LOCEAN-IPSL/CNRS) francesco.dovidio@locean.ipsl.fr | 10:55 -11:10 |
Biological Crisis and Sulfur stress Berengère Broche (ANR-CR2P and LOCEAN) brocheberengere@gmail.com | 11:10-11:25 |
Bleu Blue Justice, sustainable marine technology and MPAs [JC comment – should it be “biotechnology”]Joachim Claudet joachim.claudet@cnrs.fr | 11:25-11:40 |
The Ocean at the Heart of Humanity, ecological art, tree aesthetics, Helene Artaud , Musee National d’Histoire Naturelle helene.artaud@mnhn.fr | 11:40-11:55 |
Additional local scientist to invite
(from DRP email 28Feb)
– Please for the china IPO add to the list the director of the MNHN (Musée National d’Histoire Naturelle), I want also to invite.
President MNHN Bruno David (day 5) bruno.david@mnhn.fr presidence@mnhn.fr
(From DRP email 2 March)
Please add the following invitation IPO-Canada:
Résponsable de la communauté de savoir (Cosav) littoral et océan de l’IRD.
Marine Herrmann herrmann@legos.obs-mip.fr
All SSC members have been invited
All co-chairs of RPs, WGs, and IMECaN as well as reps from SCOR and Future Earth have been invited
All co-chairs of study groups have been invited
[FZ comment – don’t forget GCs and ICs champions who are not SSC members -DONE]
Suggested Agenda Items
- ‘How to assess impact’ (IPO-Chair Action row 279)
- ‘To discuss at the next SSC meeting a proposal for a SCOR working group to prepare synthesis’ (IPO-Chair Action row 224)
- SCOR review commitments (IPO-Chair Action row 357)