

  The North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES), an intergovernmental scientific organization, was established in 1992 to promote and coordinate marine research in the northern North Pacific and adjacent seas. Its present members are Canada, Japan, People’s Republic of China, Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the United States of America.         …


A team of multidisciplinary experts from the natural and social sciences shared their perspectives and approaches to marine science. These include: Jessica Blythe – University of Waterloo, Canada Laurent Bopp – LSCE, France Christopher Cvitanovic (Convener) – University of Tasmania, Australia Beth Fulton – CSIRO, Australia Priscila Lopes – UFRN, Brazil Riza Yuliratno Setiawan –…


Prizes for the best oral presentations were awarded to four early career scientists. Best Oral Presentation – Workshop 1 Amit Sarkar – NIO, Goa, India Title: Massive nitrogen loss in the seasonal oxygen-deficient zone over the Western Indian continental shelf Short Biography Amit Sarkar is a PhD student and Senior Research Fellow at the CSIR Centre…

The workshops

Data managsment workshop Sunday 27 January 2013, 09:00-17:00 The objectives of this workshop are to enhance awareness of the need to establish data management procedures early in the research process, to highlight the advantages arising when such procedures are followed, and to provide real-world examples of these data management procedures as implemented in IMBER research…


IMBER – Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research IMR – Institute of Marine Research SCOR – Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research ESA – European Space Agency ECNU – East China Normal University SKLEC – State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research OGS – Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di Geofisica Sperimentale

Important dates

IMBIZO lV Timeline First call for abstracts6 March 2015 Online registration opens6 March 2015 Registration and abstract submission deadline20 June 2015 Oral and poster presentation notification15 July 2015 Financial support application opens15 July 2015 Early bird payment ends15 August 2015 Final payment deadline1 September 2015 IMBIZO lV26-30 October 2015

Workshop 4

From regime shifts to novel systems – evaluating the social-ecological implications of lasting ecosystem changes for resource management Regime shifts, involving large-scale and abrupt changes in ecosystem structure and function, have been observed in many marine ecosystems. A major question regarding regime shifts is whether alternative stable states, that would render recovery to the original…

Workshop 3

Integrated modelling to support assessment and management of marine social-ecological systems in the face of global change Policy-and decision-makers need assessments of status and trends in marine habitats, species and ecosystems to ensure human activities in the marine environment remain sustainable, particularly in the face of global change in the Earth and social systems. This requirement…

Workshop 2

Coastal upwelling ecosystems as models for interdisciplinary studies of climate and global change Changes in climate and increasing human pressure are threatening the coastal oceans. This workshop addresses the challenges for coastal oceans in the 21st century, using coastal upwelling ecosystems as models.  Upwelling systems cover less than 3% of the world ocean surface but…

Workshop 1

Marine ecosystem-based governance: From rhetoric to reality The cumulative pressure of anthropogenic activities on marine systems is already strong, but it will further increase in the next decades, due in part to globalization and climate change. Recent data confirm that emissions of greenhouse gas are proceeding in line with the worst IPCC scenarios. Coastal areas…