Kai Qin

New IMBeR National Contacts for Argentina and Russia

We are delighted to welcome new National Contacts for Argentina and Russia. Celeste López-Abbate National Contact for Argentina Dr. Celeste López-Abbate is an Associate Researcher at the Argentine Oceanographic Institute, dedicated to linking the diversity and activity of microbial plankton with the carbon fluxes of the Patagonian Sea (SW Atlantic Ocean). This region is a…

IMBeR Welcomes the New Co-Chair of IMECaN

We are pleased to welcome Juliano Palacios Abrantes as the new Co-Chair of IMBeR’s Interdisciplinary Marine Early Career Network (IMECaN), from 1 August 2024. Juliano Palacios Abrantes is a Postdoctoral Associate at the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries of the University of British Columbia. His research focuses on how climate change is shifting the…

World Oceans Day | Meet Blue Dreams

“Awaken New Depths” “Catalyzing Action for Our Ocean & Climate” On World Oceans Day 2024, the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research at East China Normal University, as the leading organization of the “Mega-Delta Programme” endorsed by the UN Ocean Decade, in collaboration with Shanghai Haichang Ocean Park and other organizations, organized the…

IMBeR Welcomes the New Scientific Steering Committee Chair

We are delighted to welcome Prof. Dongyan Liu from the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research (SKLEC), East China Normal University, as the new Chair of the IMBeR Scientific Steering Committee (SSC), effective immediately, following approval by the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research and Future Earth. Dongyan is a distinguished scientist with an…

Supporting Indo-Pacific ocean monitoring

ESA-Future Earth Joint Program funding provides mentoring for the next generation of marine monitoring scientists The basic building blocks of the marine biosphere are phytoplankton, which are tiny floating plants that get their energy from photosynthesis. There are more than 100,000 different species of phytoplankton that thrive in different ocean regions. In the northwest Pacific…

ECNU hosts the 2nd International Mega–Delta Meeting to Advance Delta Sustainability

IMBeR supports the 2nd International Mega-Delta Meeting. Professor Richard Bellerby, Co-Chair of the IMBeR-FEC Continental Margins Working Group, gave a plenary talk titled “Opportunities from Mega-Delta Research through Cross-Fertilisation with UN Decade Programmes”. More information about the event is available on here. By: ECNU November 6th saw the grand opening of the 2nd International Mega–Delta Meeting hosted…

IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group Eighth Meeting and First Training Session in September 2023

The IMBeR Eutrophication Study Group convened its eighth meeting and conducted its inaugural training session with a resounding success. This event took place from 22-23 September 2023, combining an in-person gathering in Weihai, Shandong province, China, with participants online. The occasion was one of the four sub-sessions of the Conference for the Northeast Asia Region…