
Scientific Committee Carol Robinson (Chair) University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK Eileen Hofmann, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA Julie Hall, NIWA, Wellington, New Zealand Lisa Maddison, IMBeR, Bergen, Norway Alistair Hobday (co-Convener), CSIRO, Hobart, Australia Marion Glaser (co-Convener), ZMT, Bremen, Germany Organising Committee Lisa Maddison, IMBeR, Bergen, Norway Heather Benway, OCB, Woods Hole, MA,…

Keynote speakers

On Tuesday, the first morning of the IMBIZO, there will be plenary presentations for each of the three workshops, aiming to give everyone an overview of the state of research and future directions for the three workshop topics and provide the basis for joint discussions. These will be followed by a fourth keynote presentation, given…

Travel and venue information

Travel Information Visa information The visa application process to enter the USA is now subject to greater scrutiny than in the past, so you should apply for your visa as early as possible. Check here to see the visa application process for your country: U.S. Government Visas page People travelling from countries in the Visa Waiver…

Workshop 3: Management Strategy Evaluation

Management Strategy Evaluation: Achieving Transparency in Natural Resource Management by Quantitatively Bridging Social and Natural Science Uncertainties Marine and human systems are complex, which makes describing their interactions and potential outcomes difficult. The often-obscured links between climate change and environmental variability adds to this complexity and thus to developing management strategies for marine resource use….

Workshop 2: Metabolic Diversity and Evolution

Metabolic diversity and evolution in marine biogeochemical cycling and ocean ecosystem processes Ecosystem services such as climate mediation, food security and aesthetic value, are underpinned by the activity and biodiversity of marine organisms. These organisms are sensitive to global environmental change, in terms of both total biomass and community composition, and also possess varied and…

Workshop 1: Critical Constraints on Projections

Critical Constraints on Future Projections of Marine Systems Marine ecosystems, and associated services, face numerous challenges from human activities: global climate change, ocean acidification, over-exploitation, pollution, habitat destruction… Future scenarios from global and regional models present a promising approach to explore drivers, attribution, consequences and potential responses to change. However, the ability to make reliable…

Infographics workshop

Sunday 1 October from 10:00 – 16:00 Workshop convener: Indi Hodgson-Johnston, Integrated Marine Observing System, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmania Infographics are a popular and effective way of communicating your research. From data visualisation to explaining a methodology, infographics assist in visually explaining and sharing complex scientific research to a broad audience. This workshop taught…

IMBIZO information

General IMBIZO5 information The optional Infographics workshop is on 1 October  IMBIZO5 is from 2-5 October The three concurrent workshops will be interspersed with plenary activities. Around 40 people will attend each workshop – including very experienced and more early career researchers, and students. Workshop activities will involve a balance of: talks by participants; and discussion…