E2E EcoModel-Analysing end-to-end foodwebs and biogeochemical cycles

E2E EcoModel-Analysing end-to-end foodwebs and biogeochemical cycles

2117 people viewed this event.

August 2008
Ankara, Turkey


The summer school was designed to provide participants with high-level teaching activities given by internationally known scientists. The summer school targeted PhD students and Postdocs working with biogeochemical cycles and end-to-end food webs. For each topic shown below, a combination of theoretical courses and practical workshops were given. The discussion and poster sessions were organised to stimulate interaction between student and also between students and the lecturers.

Lecture series on “Main processes controlling marine food webs”

  • Fundamentals of food web structure and functioning and biogeochemical cycles: processes and parameterisations
  • Trophic cascades: depletion of top predator fishes (top-down), change in small pelagic stocks (wasp-waist), enrichment of the system (bottom-up)
  • Climate-induced controls through:
  • temperature >metabolic rates
  • stratification> nutrient fluxes > phytoplankton community structure
  • habitat modification> transport-optimal vs realised habitats
  • turbulence (turbulence-avoidance strategy vs reduction in pursuit success and capture ability)

Lecture series on “Advances in end-to-end food web modelling”

  • Coupled physical-biogeochemical models (including optics)
  • Plankton functional type models: ecology vs biogeochemisty, aggregation
  • IBMs and their coupling with lower trophic level models
  • Model skill assessments


Date And Time




Registration End Date

1 August 2008

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