Greg Cowie, School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh
I completed a PhD in Oceanography at the University of Washington before joining the University of Edinburgh in 1996. My research has involved development and use of molecular and isotopic tracers in studies of biogeochemical cycling in areas ranging from peat bogs to rivers, estuaries and the coastal and open ocean. I have been interested in the Indian Ocean since my first cruise in 1993, and joined the Sustained Indian Ocean Bioegeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (SIBER) project in 2008. I have been Co-Chair since 2017, and have had the privilege to be part of SIBER’s major contribution to the initiation and first 10 years of the second International Indian Ocean Expedition (IIOE-2, 2015-2025). A major current interest is in marine science capacity building, and I am co-leading the Coastal Observation Lab in a Box (COLaB) project, which is a planned contribution to the next phase of the IIOE-2 (2025-2030).