Achieving ocean sustainability requires collaborations amongst diverse actors. As a result, the past 20 years has seen an increased focus on supporting partnerships across academic disciplines, the science-policy interface, and with practitioners of ocean sustainability. One area, however, that has received less attention are collaborations between industry and science. The importance of such cooperation is frequently emphasised in international dialogues and statements, it is embedded within the Sustainable Development Goals, and has been championed by prominent business leaders and scientists. To address this gap, a group of researchers who work at the interface of industry and science organised a session at the IMBeR Future Oceans2 Conference in 2019. The session provided the opportunity to share their collective experiences working with marine industries and businesses in different parts of the world, to reflect on how it had influenced their work, the impacts these collaborations have generated, and the barriers to overcome for such partnerships to become more common and effective. Participants of the session have now shared their experiences in an open access paper published in One Earth, in the hope of helping to empower a new generation of marine scientists to explore collaboration with industry as a way to develop and scale up solutions for ocean sustainability.