Jeomshik Hwang
E-mail: jeomshik@snu.ac.kr
Web page: Link
School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
Biological carbon pump, sediment resuspension, radiocarbon

Tiziana Luisetti
E-mail: tiziana.luisetti@cefas.co.uk
Web page: Link
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK
Environmental economics, ecosystem services valuation and management, natural capital accounting

A’an Johan Wahyudi
E-mail: aanj001@brin.go.id
Web page: Link
Research Center for Oceanography, National Research and Innovation Agency, Jakarta, Indonesia
Marine biogeochemistry, Ocean carbon cycle, Climate change, Ocean acidification, Deoxygenation, Source origin of organic matter, Food web biogeochemistry in marine system, Blue carbon and blue economy

Andrea Belgrano
E-mail: andrea.belgrano@slu.se
Web page: Link
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Aquatic Resources, Institute of Marine Research and Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment (SIME), University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Ecosystem-based management for marine fisheries, ocean governance sustainability and resilience

Thorsten Blenckner
E-mail: thorsten.blenckner@su.se
Web page: Link
Stockholm Resilience Centre, Sweden
Ecosystem processes and multiple stressors, Socio-ecological systems

John Claydon
E-mail: John.Claydon@dal.ca
IMBeR IPO Canada
Marine ecologist focusing on tropical marine systems

Greg Cowie
E-mail: Dr.Greg.Cowie@ed.ac.uk
Web page: Link
University of Edinburgh, Scotland
Biogeochemistry; Organic geochemistry; Biomarker applications in modern and palaeoenvironmental settings; Natural and contaminant organic matter cycling and preservation in marine and terrestrial environments; Biogeochemistry of hypoxic environment: Indian Ocean processes; Peatland and riverine processes; Riverine and groundwater impacts on reef systems; Organic and isotope tracer studies.

GiHoon Hong
E-mail: ghong@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn
Marine biogeochemistry focusing on the behavior of radionuclides at sea and carbon cycles, and their application for addressing various emerging scientific and human needs in the world oceans

Narriman Jiddawi
E-mail: n_jiddawi@yahoo.com
Web page:
Institute of Fisheries Research and other marine resources, Zanzibar, Tanzania
Socio-economics, governance issues, stakeholder empowerment

Joel Llopiz
CLIOTOP Representative
E-mail: jllopiz@whoi.edu
Web page: Link
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA

Prateep Nayalk
V2V Global Partnership
E-mail: pnayak@uwaterloo.ca
Web page: Link
University of Waterloo. Waterloo, ON, Canada
Environmental Change; Coastal governance, Social-ecological systems; Marginalization, justice and power

Alice Newton
E-mail: anewton@ualg.pt
Web page: Link
Centre for Marine and Environmental Research, University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal
Eutrophication, assessment frameworks of marine social – ecological systems, Regional Seas Conventions, marine environmental policy implementation, marine biodiversity assessments, science communication

Ruth Parker
E-mail: Ruth.parker@cefas.co.uk
Web page: Link
Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, UK

Tim Rixen
E-mail: Tim.Rixen@leibniz-zmt.de
Web page: Link
Leibniz Centre for Tropical Marine Research (ZMT), Bremen, Germany
Biological carbon pump in coastal upwelling systems and its response to climate change and human impacts; carbon cycles in tropical coastal ecosystems with a focus on tropical peatlands in SE Asia.

Carol Robinson
E-mail: Carol.Robinson@uea.ac.uk
Web page: Link
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Microbial biogeochemistry