Scientific objectives was:
- To enhance research capabilities in less developed countries especially those geographically close to regions of interesting biogeochemical/ecosystem provinces for optimal implementation of the IMBeR science plan;
- To enhance research capabilities globally in those IMBeR activities that have few practitioners but are crucial for optimal implementation of the IMBeR science plan;
- To strengthen graduate education in ocean sciences.
Past members
Jing ZHANG – CMWG, Capacity Building WG (Chair), National contact, Past IMBER SSC (2007-2009)
State Key Lab. of Estuarine and Coastal Research, ECNU, Shanghai, China
Biogeochemistry and Chemical Oceanography
Laura DAVID – Capacity Building WG
University of the Philippines, Marine Science Institute, The Philippines
Optical Oceanography
Juliet HERMES – Capacity Building WG
South African Environmental Observation Network, South Africa
Data management, ocean modelling
Samina KIDWAI – Capacity Building WG
National Institute of Oceanography, Karachi, Pakistan
Biological oceanography, zooplankton ecology
Carina LANGE – Capacity Building WG, Past IMBER SSC (2007), National contact
Universidad de Concepción, Centro COPAS, Chile
Paleoceanography, marine diatoms
John MORRISON – Capacity Building WG
School of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Wollongong, Australia
Environmental physics, sedimentation, coastal zone, estuarine processes
Wajih NAQVI – SIBER Associate member, Capacity Building WG, IMBER National contact for India, Past IMBER SSC (2007-2009)
National Institute of Oceanography, GOA, India
N-cycling and microbiology
Temel OGUZ – Capacity Building WG, National contact
Institute of Marine Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Icel, Turkey
Circulation dynamics, ecosystem dynamics
Publications and Reports
Zuo, F., Hu, L. and Zhang, J. 2014. Capacity Building Assessment for Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research in the Asia-Pacific Region. APN Science Bulletin, 4: 35-39. APN Science Bulletin 4
Morrison, R.J., Zhang, J., Urban Jr., E.R., Hall, J., Ittekkot, V., Avril, B., Hu, L., Hong h, J.H., Kidwai, S., Lange, C., Lobanov, V., Machiwa, J., San Diego-McGlone, M.L., Oguz, T., Plumley, F.G., Yeemin, T., Zhu, W., Zuo, F., 2013. Developing human capital for successful implementation of international marine scientific research projects. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 77:11-22. Article
Jing Zhang. 2013. Enhancing Capacity for Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research in the Asia-Pacific Region. APN Science Bulletin 3: 137-138. APN Science Bulletin 3
Jing Zhang, etc, 2013. Final report to the APN on “Needs assessment for capacity development for integrated marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem research in the Asia-Pacific region”. Article
Liuming Hu, Bernard Avril, & Jing Zhang. 2013. Capacity Building for Sustainable Marine Research in the Asia-Pacific Region. Eos. 94 (2): 21. Article
IMBER CBTT, IMBER RPO. 2012. Needs assessment for capacity development for integrated marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem research in the Asia-Pacific region. IMBER Newsletter No.21. Article
IMBER RPO, IMBER CBTT. 2012. Needs assessment for capacity development for integrated marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem research in the Asia-Pacific region. APN Newsletter Vol. 18, No. 4: 28-30. Article
Okes, N.C., Petersen, S., McDaid, L., & Basson, J., 2012. Enabling people to create change: Capacity building for Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) implementation in Southern Africa. Marine Policy. 36 (1): 286-296. Article
2010 and before
Squillante, L.J., Ricci, G., Francis, J., & Sisitka, L., 2010. Innovations in Capacity Building: Certification Marine Protected Area Professionals. Continental management. 38 (3): 272-290. Article
Stojanovic, T., Green, D.R., & Lymbery, G., 2010. Approaches to knowledge sharing and capacity building: The role of local information systems in marine and coastal management. OCEAN COAST MANAGE. 53: 805-815. Article
van der Elst, R.P., Groeneveld, J.C., Baloi, A.P., Marsac, F., Katonda, K.I., Ruwa, R.K., & Lane, W.L., 2009. Nine nations, one ocean: A benchmark appraisal of the South Western Indian Ocean Fisheries Project (2008–2012). OCEAN COAST MANAGE.52: 258-267.
Allen, K.M., 2006. Community-based disaster preparedness and climate adaptation: local capacity-building in the Philippines. Disasters, 30:81–101.
IOC, 2005. IOC Principles and Strategy for Capacity Building. IOC/INF-1211, Paris, 54 pp. Article
Wescott, G., 2002. Partnerships for capacity building: community, governments and universities working together. OCEAN COAST MANAGE. 45:549-571. Article
South, G.R. and Veitayaki, J., 1998. Capacity building in the South Pacific and the role of the marine studies programme at the University of the South Pacific, OCEAN COAST MANAGE. 41:103-113.