Integrated Ocean Carbon Research- IOC-R

The Integrated Ocean Carbon Research (IOC-R) programme is a formal working group of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) that was formed in 2018 in response to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.

In 2021, IOC-R published

Integrated ocean carbon  research: a summary of  ocean carbon research,  and vision of coordinated ocean carbon research and observations for the next decade.

Full citation:

Aricò, S., Arrieta, J. M., Bakker, D. C. E., Boyd, P. W., Cotrim da Cunha, L., Chai, F., Dai, M., Gruber, N., Isensee, K., Ishii, M., Jiao, N., Lauvset, S. K., McKinley, G. A., Monteiro, P., Robinson, C., Sabine, C., Sanders, R., Schoo, K. L., Schuster, U., Shutler, J. D., Thomas, H., Wanninkhof, R., Watson, A. J., Bopp, L., Boss, E., Bracco, A., Cai, W., Fay, A., Feely, R. A., Gregor, L., Hauck, J., Heinze, C., Henson, S., Hwang, J., Post, J., Suntharalingam, P., Telszewski, M., Tilbrook, B., Valsala, V. and Rojas Aldana, A. 2021. Integrated Ocean Carbon Research: A Summary of Ocean Carbon Research, and Vision of Coordinated Ocean Carbon Research and Observations for the Next Decade. R. Wanninkhof, C. Sabine and S. Aricò (eds.). Paris, UNESCO. 46 pp. (IOC Technical Series, 158.) doi:10.25607/h0gj-pq41



How has this report been used? The G7 Future of Seas and Oceans Initiative has taken an interest in this and is relying on IOC-R as the theoretical and science base on which to propose and, if agreed upon and funded, design and implement a G7-supported surface CO2 monitoring network. At COP26 (Glasgow, 2021), the NOAA Administrator repeatedly referred to IOC-R as the science framework to develop ocean carbon observations.