Moderators + Rapporteurs
The title of the SSC meeting is ‘Creative Science for a Sustainable Ocean’. Each day of the meeting is focused under a different theme:
- Day 1 – Monday 3 April – Towards a Stronger Global Program
- Day 2 – Tuesday 4 April – IMBeR’s Legacy and Science Strategy
- Day 3 – Wednesday 5 April – Future: Post 2025 IMBeR and Ocean Sustainability
While each day and the sessions within each day are somewhat self-contained, they also feed into future sessions and future days. The agenda is designed so that the outputs, actions, and decisions listed in a specific session will include information generated from previous sessions and days. In addition, Alice Newton’s presentation ‘From IMBeR’s Legacy to its Future’ in the mini-symposium on Day 3 will be informed by the discussions and presentations in Days 1 and 2. The Moderators and Rapporteurs have important roles to make sure we achieve these objectives.
Moderators will introduce presenters, breakout groups, and other elements of their sessions, direct questions, and guide the discussions to address the outputs, actions, and decisions listed.
The goal of the rapporteur is NOT to take all of the notes from each session – this will be done by IPO staff. The goal of the rapporteurs is to take only the key information that will be useful for the outputs, decisions, and actions listed within their session and also for those listed in future sessions, as well as key information for Alice Newton’s ‘From IMBeR’s Legacy to its Future’ presentation. It is therefore important to be familiar with what all of these are, and not just those for the specific session for which a rapporteur is tasked.
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Outputs, Actions, Decisions
Output 3: Background: ‘Ten Facts about Land Systems for Sustainability’ (PNAS article | Brochure | Website) was produced by the Global Land Program (a sister Future Earth GRN to IMBeR). The goal is for IMBeR to generate an ocean equivalent following the ’10 Land Facts’ process. Output 3 will start this process.