Climate Impacts on Oceanic Top Predators (CLIOTOP)
The CLimate Impacts on TOp Predators (CLIOTOP) Regional Program is part of the International Integrated Marine BiospherE Research (IMBeR) project which is one of 23 Future Earth projects. CLIOTOP has been operating since 2005 and is now in its third phase (2016-2025).
CLIOTOP is an international research network open to researchers, managers, and policy makers involved in marine research related to large marine species. Network participants organise large-scale comparative efforts to elucidate key processes involved in the interaction between climate variability and change and human uses of the ocean on the structure of pelagic ecosystems and large marine species. CLIOTOP seeks to develop predictive capability for these socio-ecological systems and evaluate adaptation options to ensure future sustainability. The successful implementation of CLIOTOP will provide information, products and tools for better resource and conservation management.

CLIOTOP Task Team Wins “Excellent Poster Award” at the Third AI Oceanography Forum in Qingdao, China. Read more
The 5th International Symposium on the Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans was held from April 17-21 2023, in Bergen, Norway. CLIOTOP members will be presenting on top predator research. Read more
Get involved with CLIOTOP!
Are you working on similar topics or interested in the impacts of climate change on oceanic top order predators? Send us an email to get on our mailing list, plan to attend the upcoming meetings, and join or create a task team to increase the impact and relevance of your research (if you want to check previous task teams, go here). You may even be interested in joining our Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) for a two-year renewable term.
For any questions about CLIOTOP or for further information please contact Heidi Pethybridge and Anne Lorrain