Negotiating Ocean Conflicts among Rivals for Sustainable and Equitable Solutions (NoCRISES)
Summary of the project
Growing demand for marine resources means that fair and sustainable use of marine resources will be key. Over the long-term economic development, environmental sustainability, social equity will all need to be achieved. Pursuing such diverse goals simultaneously often leads to conflicts. Effective approaches to conflict reduction and resolution are increasingly urgent. This requires new negotiation approaches that differentiate between types of maritime conflict and conflict development pathways and that make unavoidable compromises explicit.
The NoCRISES project examines the origins, drivers, and options for ocean conflict mitigation. In particular, we aim to uncover the complex causalities of conflicts over the use of the marine environment. To enable globally linked learning, we jointly develop a comprehensive methodological approach that is used in six different case studies. In this way, we also create a solid basis for cross-case analyses – and useful tools for future use.
Area of study
Six case studies form the heart of this project. They are in three ocean regions with diverse income levels and characterised by rapid ecological and/or social change. The case study locations are Hawaii, Baltic, Bangladesh, the Seychelles, the Canary Island, Fiji.

Timetable for activities
April 2020 – December 2022