New IMBeR National Contacts for Iran and Pakistan

New IMBeR National Contacts for Iran and Pakistan

We are delighted to welcome Dr. Maryam Ghaemi as IMBeR’s National Contact for Iran and Dr. Samina Kidwai as the National Contact for Pakistan.


Maryam Ghaemi National Contact for Iran

Dr. Maryam Ghaemi is the Head of the Bushehr Oceanography Center at the Iranian National Institute for Oceanography and Atmospheric Science, focusing on the dynamics of nutrients in the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman, regions vital to marine biodiversity and local economies. Her work addresses key issues such as nutrient regimes, marine pollution, and ocean acidification. Leading research projects on nutrient dynamics, she has provided critical insights into the ecological health of these waters and informed regional conservation strategies. Dr. Ghaemi’s research also explores the impacts of human activities on marine environments, aiming to assess and mitigate their adverse effects. By studying nutrient flows and pollution patterns, her findings help guide local conservation efforts and contribute to global marine sustainability agendas. As Vice-Chair of the IOC Sub-Commission for the Central Indian Ocean (IOCINDIO) and a SCOR visiting scholar, her expertise in ocean science plays a crucial role in bridging regional studies with international research efforts, driving sustainable marine management strategies.


Samina Kidwai National Contact for Pakistan

Dr. Samina Kidwai brings over 30 years of experience in marine sciences, having dedicated 27 of those years to the National Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Pakistan, where she served as Director General for the last 3 years. Her research spans plankton ecology, bio-physical interactions, coastal deep-sea interface and its effects on plankton ecology, food-web dynamics, and developing Marine Bio-Geographical Information Systems for Pakistan and the Northwest Arabian Sea. She is also interested in island and deltaic ecosystems, exploring the resilience of marine ecosystems to climatic variability, and Marine Protected Areas. Samina has contributed to Pakistan’s preparedness for international programs such as the UN SDG14, Blue Economy, the UN Ocean Decade 2021-2030, and the International Indian Ocean Expedition 2. As a National Representative in the UNESCO IOC, IOCINDIO, and an elected member of the Executive Council Group IV of UNESCO IOC, she actively engages in international scientific collaboration and works to advance oceanographic research.


(In alphabetical order of last names)


More information about the National Contacts is available here.