5th CJK IMBeR Symposium

5th CJK IMBeR Symposium

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Time: 2011.11.22 – 2011.11.25
Location: East China Normal University, Shanghai, China


Marine scientists from China, Japan, and Korea (CJK) have been working actively at the frontier in the areas of Global Ocean Ecosystem Dynamics (GLOBEC) and Integrated Marine Biogeochemistry and Ecosystem Research (IMBeR) since the early 1990s. Various scientific workshops and/or training activities have been held periodically by these three countries. Since 2002, the China-Japan-Korea GLOBEC/IMBER symposia have provided GLOBEC, and more recently IMBER, scientists from these countries, with the opportunity to collaborate, exchange, and compare the results of their research. Although GLOBEC ended in 2010, IMBeR would very much like to continue with this symposium series. The 5th China-Japan-Korea IMBeR Symposium focused on the impact of climate change and anthropogenic forcing on physical processes and biogeochemical cycles, ecosystem structure and functions, and fisheries in the northern Pacific region, and how these complex interactions in combination, in turn, influences marine ecosystems and human society in a broad aspect. The contents of this symposium included:

  1. Long term variation in climate change and its impacts on the marine ecosystem and the structure at high trophic levels.
  2. The impact of marine biogeochemical cycles on end-to-end food webs, the recycling and the key factors of nutrient and trace elements, their interactions and restrictions on marine productivity.
  3. Ocean acidification and its impact on the structure and functioning of marine ecosystems: the comparison of experimental and observational results. 
  4. Food web dynamics: the comparison of end-to-end food webs in different areas of the northwest Pacific. 
  5. Dramatic events, such as eutrophication, jellyfish blooms, hypoxia, etc. in marine ecosystems.

Oral sessions

  1. Impact of climate change on physicochemical and biological properties of marginal seas
  2. The impact of anthropogenic activities on marine biogeochemistry and ecosystem dynamics
  3. Development of the biological indicators to detect and evaluate changes in marine ecosystem structure and function
  4. The application of end-to-end food web models: predicting the impact of environmental changes on marine ecosystems

Poster presentations

Posters were displayed throughout the duration of the symposium. 

Discussion session

  1. National and regional activities of IMBeR-related research in East Asia
  2. Comparison of ecosystem functions in regional scale

Training course

A one-day training programme was held on 25 November 2011. This aimed to provide early career scientists and students with information on the latest progress in IMBeR related research in China, Japan, and Korea through active interaction with experts from the three countries.

Expected output

  1. Publications in a special issue of an international journal as suggested at the 4th CJK Symposium in Jeju, Korea (2010)
  2. Web-casting of the training course

Organizing committee

  • FANG, Jianguang, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Qingdao, China (fangjg@ysfri.ac.cn)
  • HUANG, Daji, The Second Institute of Oceanography, SOA, China (dajih2001@yahoo.com)
  • JU, Se-Jong, Deep-Sea & Marine Georesources Research Department, KORDI (sjju@kordi.re.kr)
  • LIU, Su Mei, Ocean University of China (sumeiliu@ouc.edu.cn)
  • SAITO, Hiroaki, Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, FRA, Japan (hsaito@affrc.go.jp)
  • TANG, Qisheng, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Qingdao, China (ysfri@public.qd.sd.cn)
  • XIAO, Tian, Institute of Oceanology, CAS, China (txiao@qdio.ac.cn)
  • ZHANG, Jing, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China (jzhang@sklec.ecnu.edu.cn)


  • East China Normal University (ECNU), China
  • State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, ECNU, China
  • China National Basic Research Program (Program 973), project number 2011CB409800
  • China GLOBEC-IMBeR Group

Additional information


Date And Time




Registration End Date

22 November 2011

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