We are delighted to welcome four new members who have joined IMBeR’s Scientific Steering Committee (SSC): Jacob Carstensen, Masahiko Fujii, Ivan Valiela, and A’an Johan Wahyudi. The SSC is responsible for the overarching leadership and scientific direction of IMBeR.
Jacob Carstensen is a Professor at Aarhus University, Department of Ecoscience. From an educational background in mathematics and statistics, he has worked on describing and understanding long-term changes in marine ecosystems in response to nutrient enrichment, climate change and physical disturbances from human activities. Jacob is strongly engaged in environmental policies in the Baltic Sea area, on national and regional levels, through developing ecological indicators and integrated assessment systems as well as providing recommendations to agencies and regional sea conventions for nutrient management. Much of his research has been centred on eutrophication and its adverse effects, such as algal blooms, loss of benthic vegetation and hypoxia.
Masahiko Fujii is a Professor at the Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo, Japan. He has been involved in research and education on assessment, future projection, and mitigation and adaptation measures for the impacts of global warming, ocean acidification, and deoxygenation on coastal ecosystems and local societies. Recently, he has been investigating the impacts of ocean acidification on coastal ecosystems by examining in detail the marine environment of shallow-water CO2 seeps existing in the seas around Japan.
Ivan Valiela is a Distinguished Scientist at the Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA. His research interests include function, structure and controls on coastal ecosystems, land-sea couplings, impacts of urbanization and deforestation on coastal ecosystems, management of coastal environments, and international environmental policy.
A’an Johan Wahyudi is a Research Professor in Marine Biogeochemistry and a Principal Research Scientist specializing in the ocean’s carbon cycle. His work focuses on assessing the sources, variability, and impacts of organic carbon and carbonate systems, including the organic carbon budget, carbonate system variability, and nutrient dynamics, as well as investigating element transfer, deposition, and accumulation. He serves as the IMBeR National Contact for Indonesia, Chairman of the Indonesia Marine Biogeochemistry Forum, and Secretary-General of the Oceanologist Association of Indonesia.
More information about the SSC is available here.